The story of Halloween in New Orleans is a story of the New Orleans gay community a community coming together to share their love and sense of family, a community celebrating its unique culture and love of showmanship, a community coming to the aid of its own in the dark days of the AIDS crisis, and a community triumphing over challenges with a resilient, joyful spirit.
For over 30 years, Halloween in New Orleans has been a huge success and a major part of the LGBT community in New Orleans. The mission of Halloween is to provide funding for Project Lazarus a health care and support services home in New Orleans for men and women with HIV/AIDS. In its history, HNO has raised over $5 Million for Project Lazarus and is one of the only 100% donation/volunteer event weekends left in the United States.
HNO takes place on the final weekend before Halloween every year, with four days of exciting and fun events. This benefit boasts elaborate costumes, galas and parties with Alist DJs and local entertainment, drinking and dancing with friends, and a second line send-off until the next year.
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